Hiring A Professional Tree Surgeon
5 Clear Signs A Tree Is Unsafe & Needs Removing
C&H Tree Surgery are able to safely and proactively remove all types and sizes of trees. Although we do our utmost to preserve trees and ensure they are healthy, there are some circumstances where trees need removing once and for all. Wherever trees are posing a health risk to people, infrastructure or surrounding vehicles, we highly recommend taking them down without hesitation. Fortunately, C&H Tree Surgery are able to analyse the current condition of your tree(s) to determine whether or not tree removal is necessary. In this latest blog post, we will be outlining the 5 clear indicators that a tree is unsafe and needs removing…
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Visible Roots
In many cases, visible roots are perfectly normal but where they are higher than normal, this causes a question of concern. Signs of outstanding visible roots may suggest that your tree is becoming unstable and is struggling to find a secure position. Although this may not seem like it’s an immediate concern, tree(s) that lack a solid foundation are extremely vulnerable to storms and extreme weather conditions that are often unpredictable in the UK. If you have noticed visible root and your tree(s) look unsturdy, we urge you to get in touch with us today.

Tree(s) Leaning
Of course, it’s very normal for tree(s) to lean when it’s windy or when fighting against challenging weather conditions. However, if your tree(s) are leaning even in completely still conditions, this may be a sign that your tree is unsafe and may need removing by our expert tree surgeons. Leaning trees are another clear sign that your tree isn’t secure in it roots. Leaning trees can present great dangers especially and pose an increased risk of falling at any time. This can cause havoc to nearby pedestrians, vehicles, and buildings.

Dead Or Diseased Branches
Have you noticed that your tree(s) are not looking healthy? If so, this may be a sign of dead or diseased branches. Unfortunately, diseased and decayed branches can often spread rapidly to other parts of your tree(s). One of the number one signs that branches are decayed or diseased is when you spot leaf discolouration or bark abnormalities. Our team at C&H Tree Surgery will assess if your branches and your tree(s) can be effectively pruned before deciding to remove permanently. However, in some cases, there is no viable option but to remove.

Signs A Tree Needs Removing
Further Signs
Tree Growing Close To Home
Have you noticed that your tree is getting closer and closer to your property despite previous tree pruning work completed? If this problem is getting progressively work for you over a period of time, it may be time to get in touch with our experts at C&H Tree Surgery. When trees grow too close to your property, they can end up causing damage to your infrastructure and the exterior of your building. Leaves and branches can easily clog up your roofline and guttering system which can cause serious structural damage.
Tree Has Already Fallen Down
Yes, we left the most obvious one until last! Ideally, we want to avoid this happening to reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians also damage to nearby buildings and vehicles. However, sometimes this can’t be helped, especially if the tree has been blown over by extreme weather conditions. Whether a tree has fallen down in your front garden or back garden, our team are able to professionally and efficiently remove the tree before it does any further harm to your property.
Get in touch with C&H Tree Surgery
Do you require tree removal? If so, get in touch with our highly experienced team at C&H Tree Surgery. We will be happy to provide you with advice, a free quotation and arrange a visit on day that’s most convenient with you. For emergency tree removal, please call us directly on 01752 881036.